Mental disorder is one of the tip of an iceberg phenomenon. Primary Health Data (Riskesdas) 2013 recorded Yogyakarta at the second place after Aceh as a province with prevalence of severe mental disorder at 2.7%. A secondary data by UGM Academic Hospital (2015) noted in Banyuraden village there are 66 people with mental disorder whilst 4 new people receive treatment. In Sumbersari village there are 42 people with mental disorder.
Seeing this condition, UGM Academic Hospital in collaboration with Mental Health Science Unit of Dr. Sardjito General Hospital conducted community service related to capacity enhancement training in the two villages from 13-15 June and 18-20 October 2016. As many as 26 people from Banyuraden and 29 from Sumbersari joined the training.
Trainers were Dr. dr. Carla R. Marchira, Sp.KJ(K) (Psychiatrist at Dr. Sardjito Hospital), dr. Tika Prasetiawati, Sp.KJ , (Psychiatrist – UGM Academic Hospital), Melina D. Kusumadewi, S.Psi, M.A, Psychologist – UGM Academic Hospital), and dr. Budiatri Retno Noorningrum (general practitioner – UGM Academic Hospital). The event was supported by facilitators from Grhasia Hospital Yogyakarta.
“This event is a promotive and preventive effort for Mental Health Village programme and to cover more people through early detection,” said dr. Tika on Thursday (24/11).
It is expected that this event would sustain the programme in the two villages under the cooperation with the local community health centres and stakeholders.