Leachate is a soluble waste of huge waste disposals. Around Piyungan waste disposal area in Bantul regency, the leachate is one of the causes of water pollution.
This has withdrawn the attention of researchers from UGM Centre for Enegy Studies to resolve the problem. They implement the micro-bubble generator technology as wastewater treatment.
Researchers Dr. Deendarlianto, Dr. Wiratni, Akmal Irfan Majid, M.Eng., supported by Mario Adhi Pradana, Nurhasan Fitriyadi, Muhammad Agam Dridya, Alvin Hans, and Daniel Tanto, have joined forces in the generator development since 2012.
The micro-bubble generator proved to ensure dissolved oxygen supply for aerobic bacteria and reduce Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) content in the leachate pond. The micro-bubble generator can also increase dissolved oxygen supply higher than aerator. The process also takes less time and more affordable.
Dr. Wiratni said the tool can reduce leachate pollution level to the surrounding rivers.
“Compared to conventional aerators, micro-bubble generator is more energy efficient, cheaper, and simpler,” said Wiratni. Chemically speaking, the oxygen supply is richer for bacteria and the chemical oxygen demand can reduce significantly.
The project is a community service programme based on appropriate technology. It is supported by the UGM Institute for Research and Community Service.
Dr. Deendarlianto, team chairman, explained this technology was powerful enough to resolve leachate problems. Hopefully, this can be applied further for society. He said, “This is a real contribution from UGM to the residents of Piyungan and the surroundings.”