Gadjah Mada Bike Community (GamaGo) will once again do a bike ride from 16-18 December 2016 from Jepara city in Central Java to Yogyakarta to celebrate the 67th anniversary of UGM.
The Muria-Merapi ride event chairman, Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo, said the ride would run for 300 Km, starting at the Jepara Square and finishing at Balairung UGM. It is organised by GamaGo in cooperation with Alumni Associations of Universitas Gadjah Mada (Kagama) of Jepara, Pati, Kudus, Sragen, and Solo branches to promote UGM as a campus for cycling.
“This event is to promote UGM to the communities along the route of the bike ride in the effort to grow cycling spirit among the people,” he said on Wednesday (14/12) at UGM.
Up to 70 members of UGM academic community and alumni join the event. “The Jepara-Yogyakarta ride is joined by no less than 70 cyclists, who are lecturers, staff, and alumni of UGM. Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is planned to participate here, too,” said Hatma.
Hatma said the ride was divided into three stages: first, Jepara-Kudus: 115 Km, second, Kudus-Solo: 125 Km, and third Solo-Yogyakarta: 60 Km. The participants will depart from the Jepara Square on Friday morning (16/12), going through cities of Jepara-Pati-Kudus-Purwodadi-Solo and Yogyakarta finishing at Balairung UGM.
Acting Regent of Jepara, Ikhwan Sudrajad, will open the event, accompanied by anniversary event chairman, Prof.dr. Budi Mulyono, Vice-Rector for Human Resource and Assetts, Prof.Dr.Ir. Budi Wignyosukarto, Dip.HE., and Chairman of Kagama Jepara, Hery Kusnanto, S.T.
“The ride will finish at Balairung UGM and welcomed by Rector of UGM who will present medals to all participants,” he concluded.