Up to nine international students studying at UGM have participated in the Borobudur Cultural Feast 2016. The event ran from 17-18 December 2016 at Taman Lumbini at the Borobudur Temple compound in Magelang, Central Java.
The nine students hail from Australia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, China, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, Timor Leste, and Tanzania. They are studying for partnership between developing countries at UGM with the Indonesia Language and Culture Learning Service (INCULS).
Ariargo W Putra, staff at UGM Office of International Affairs, explained the international students joined the Borobudur Cultural Feast 2016 by performing Javanese traditional orchestra (karawitan). Joining the group, Jogja Gangsa Nagari, they practise with other 44 international students from UGM, UNY, ISI Yogyakarta, and Universitas Sanata Dharma. They have been professionally trained by lecturer from ISI Yogyakarta, Anon Suneko.
“Wearing the traditional Javanese outfit, they perform the orchestra well, blending nicely with the gamelan music instruments they are playing with,” he said on Friday (23/12).
Performing for the Borobudur Cultrural Feast 2106 has left the students a unique impression on Indonesian arts and culture. Peter Rothwell from Australia said he now learned new useful experiences. Although this was not his first performance, it truly gave him a different challenge as he had to present an Indonesian traditional art performance.
Borobudur Cultural Feast 2016 is a festivity hosted by PT. Taman Wisata Candi Prambanan in cooperation with culturalists, artists, musicians, and communities from up to 20 surrounding villages. The event promotes local potential based tourism of Borobudur Temple.