Celebrating Christmas 2016 and New Year 2017, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada marks the events on Tuesday (10/1) at the Faculty’s Hall. Looking at the recent condition of Indonesia and the issue of tolerance and diversity that has gone heated, this year’s celebration raised the theme Nurturing Diversity, Restoring Peace.
“This theme starts from the thought that with the diversity owned by Indonesia, we should be getting more united instead of going segregated,” said Lidwina Mutia, event chairman.
The event started with candle lighting by Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si., Reverend Y. Suyatno Hadiatmaja, Pr from FPUB (Forum of Interfaith Brotherhood) and Lidwina Mutia Sadasri, SIP., MA. followed by speeches and prayers.
Rev. Y. Suyatno Hadiatmaja said in his speech that highlighted on love between religious people to restore peace for the nation. He hoped the big family of UGM can be the example of serving that mission.
One of the unique traits in this year’s Christmas and New Year’s celebration is the participation of interfaith leaders, including Rev. Bambang, Ki Demang, I Nyoman Santiawan, and Prof. Dr. Susetiawan, SU who all prayed together as part of the celebrations.
“We’re praying for the Indonesian nation to always remain peaceful with its diversity. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences itself is the representation of Indonesia where diversity of ethnic groups, races, faiths, and groups blend together peacefully here. Such is the spirit that we want to spread out through this Christmas celebration,” said Lidwina Mutia.
To make the event run lively, performers were invited, including comedian Gareng Rakasiwi, and priest candidate from Javanese Christian Church of Condong Catur, as well as students Gusti Arirang and Stefan Harmayu Toghas, and others. The event was closed with a prayer led by Drs. Hadriyanus Suharyanto M.Si., lecturer in Public Policy Management, followed by hand shaking by all invitees.