Synergy between higher learning institutions and hospital through academic health system (AHS) needs to be developed in order to give better public health services. AHS is a concept to integrate higher learning with health services operators that focus on research, clinical services and training.
“AHS synergy can increase the level of public health,” said UGM Faculty of Medicine professor, Prof.dr.Budi Mulyono, Sp.PK (K)., MM., on Tuesday (10/1) on campus.
Budi Mulyono saw the AHS as a new paradigm that promises better education future and health services. Initially, AHS was formed to realise the integration between health education administrators with hospital as the network and related stakeholders to realise excellent services to society. The AHS is expected to increase and enhance health education, research, and services.
“Currently, there are three universities already implementing the AHS, namely UGM, UI, and Universitas Hassanudin,” he said.
Budi Mulyono added the UGM started the AHS since 2014. Officially, UGM has been registered as member of Association of Academic Health Center International (AAHCI). The AHS involves RSUP Dr. Sardjito, RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro, RS UGM, RSUD Banyumas, RSPAU Hardjolukito and doctors, also paramedics, pharmacists, veterinarians, health organisations, and assurance institutions.
“The AHS development at Faculty of Medicine UGM runs well and is expected to give academic spirit with education and research on integrated health services system. As such, an academic balance can be reached with the hospital,” he said.
As a follow-up, they plan to host an international seminar “International Conference Academic Health System (AHS) Southeast ASIA Regional Meeting 2017” from 12-13 January 2017 at the Faculty’s Auditorium at UGM. The seminar will present Health Minister, Nila Moelok, and Director General of Science and Technology Resource and Higher Learning, Ali Ghufron. Innovations are expected to arise out of the event to integrate services in education, research, and health in the AHS network.
Meanwhile, Prof.Dr.dr.Teguh Aryandono, Sp.B(K) Onk., mentioned that AHS has been applied in the U.S. and the Netherlands with both systems running well; in the U.S. there are 125 AHS already up and running.
“In Indonesia there are three AHS, hopefully, more will be formed to accelerate better health services,” he said.