Ministerial decree on Higher Learning No 19 Year 2017 has been issued, giving guidelines for universities to appoint and dismiss leaders of state universities.
Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Learning, Mohamad Nasir, said the decree requires rector candidates to submit a Report of Wealth to the Commission of Anti-corruption to realise university clean governance.
“The recommendation of the Commission on the Wealth Report will determine whether the person may go forward to become a candidate for rector or not,” said Nasir on Monday (29/1) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM after the launching of the decree during the National Meeting of Research, Technology and Higher Learning Ministry 2017 themed Strengthening Synergy of Research, Technology and Higher Learning to Increase State Competitiveness.
To track down the records of rector candidates, his office will also coordinate with PPATK and other government agencies. If improper records are found of the candidate, selections will be done again.
“The Commission of State Civil Apparatus will oversee all stages of rector elections,” he explained. Minister Nasir added the ministry would monitor the candidates when they deliver their vision and mission by sending ministers or representatives to the event.
The new regulation states that the vote of the minister in the rector election remains at 35 percent which will be decided by a team of assessors. “The vote of minister did not change, still 35% on the election of state university rectors,” he said.
The national meeting also discussed evaluation on the performance of professors and senior lecturers as well as science application and technology index, evaluation of programme implementation and projects in 2016 and 2017, plans for 2018, and revision to strategic plans 2015-2019.
The national meeting 2017 is joined by rectors of all universities in Indonesia, polytechnics, Indonesian Scientific Academy, National Research Agency, Higher Learning Agency, R&D of ministries, and other related agencies.