The Innovative Academy programme has resulted in real outcomes. The Innovative Academy was developed by the Directorate of Business Development and Incubation UGM in cooperation with KIBAR as a business incubator that is based on technology. Innovative Academy aims at encouraging UGM students to create useful startup technology that gives solutions to various problems in Indonesia. The outcome can be seen in the creation of dozens of startups that are ready to resolve problems among society.
As a follow-up to these startup digital businesses that have been established, UGM hosted the UGM Innovation Forum event entitled Innovative Academy Pitching To Business Practitioners on Thursday (23/2) at University Club UGM. The UGM Innovation Forum is a forum for startup digital creators to promote their creations in front of practitioners of digital business. Attending the event were Wibawa Prasetyawan, Vice President of Digital Business Garuda Indonesia.
In the forum there were nine startup digital companies that have been produced by the Innovative Academy, presenting their works to the practitioners. They introduced and described the excellent features of their business.
The, for instance, described the startup digital that connects wedding information to the wedding guests through an integrated web. The Pasieania startup presented their creation, linking patients that experience similar diseases so they can share information and help. The practitioners further commented on them for criticism and suggestion.
Wibawa Prasetyawan said the startup creators needed to have sympathy and give something to the society. He added, “Innovative Academy, in my opinion is not only a program, but a movement that involves many people for wider social interests.”