UGM Zakat house(RZIS) has again provided scholarships to hundreds of students from across different levels of education. RZIS as an autonomous institution under the UGM Community Service Directorate since 2013 accepted zakat and alms from members of UGM academic community. The funds are used for many social charities, including scholarships for education.
This year, RZIS has allocated no less than 500 millions just for scholarships. At least 191 students from UGM and other students from primary and secondary schools around UGM have received the scholarships. A ceremony of scholarship presentation was done on Tuesday (28/2) in the Balairung hall, UGM.
Deputy Head of RZIS UGM, Taufikur Rahman S.E., M.B.A., Akt., in his speech asked the scholarship recipients to make use of the funds well. “I hope scholarship recipients are able to make use of the scholarships well for their studies,” said Taufikur.
Chairman of UGM Institute of Community Service (LPPM UGM), Prof. Dr. Suratman M.Sc., also asked the scholarship recipients to use the funds wisely. He expected them to be able to have good conducts that starts from discipline and honesty.
“I hope the scholarships can be used well and responsibly so that you can finally achieve your dreams,” Suratman concluded.