Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) of Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2013 said cardiovascular disease is still included in the 10 highest prevalence of non-contagious diseases. Therefore, the number of mortality caused by cardiovascular disease is still high.
Cardiovascular disease is a disease caused by disturbance in heart and arteries, including coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, and stroke. In Indonesia, coronary heart disease reaches 26.4 percent.
“Coronary heart disease is included in circulation system disease which is the main and first cause of overall mortality. The figure of 26.4 percent is four times higher than cancer mortality number,” said Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., Sp.OG(K), Dean of Faculty of Medicine UGM, opening Cardiology Symposium themed Atrial Fibrillation Awareness, in UGM Academic Hospital on Friday (3/3).
According to Ova Emilia, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of mortality globally. In 2008, approximately 17.3 million of mortalities were caused by cardiovascular disease and more than 3 million of the mortality happened at the age under 60 years.
Cardiology Symposium “Atrial Fibrillation Awareness” is an Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 2017. The symposium was held corresponding to the fith anniversary of UGM Academic Hospital, the 71th Anniversary of Faculty of Medicine UGM and the 35th anniversary of Dr. Sardjito General Hospital.
Prof. Dr. dr. Elisabeth Siti Herini, Sp.A(K), chairperson of ASM 2017, said cardiovascular disease was one with high mortality and morbidity. So, prevention against this disease has to always be done.
“The prevention of cardiovascular disease, both primary and secondary, is strongly related to the control of its causative factors, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus,” she added.
As many as 350 participants attended the symposium, coming from specialist doctors, general doctors, lectures, students, and alumni of Faculty of Medicine UGM. The symposium keynote speakers were Dr. dr. Muhammad Munawar, Sp.JP(K), FIHA, FESC, FACC, dr. Triatmo Budiyuwono, Sp.JP(K)., FIHA, FAPSIC, dr. Erika Maharani, Sp.JP(K), FIHA, dr. Sunu Budhi Raharjo, Ph.D, Sp.JP(K), FIHA, and Dr. dr. Achiyat Agoes, Sp.S(K).
One of cardiovascular diseases which has a high morbidity is atrial fibrillation. It is a heart rhythm disorder caused by the emergence of various kinds of ectopic focus in atrium. The disorder is heart rhythm disorder with the greatest prevalence as well as causing complication, such as heart failure, stroke, and increases mortality number in the end.
dr. Triatmo Budiyuwono, Sp.JP(K)., FIHA, FAPSIC discussed about Dyslipidemia, the Handling and Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease, which has to be known by non-cardiologic doctors. He said there are 6 major causative factors, coronary heart disease, and coronary heart disease equivalence as risk categories. The six factors are gender, age, systolic blood tense, cholesterol limit level, HDL-C, and smoking factor.
According to Triatmo Budiyuwono, the high content of LDC-C and TG as well as the low content of HDL-C had the most important role in the making of atherogenesis and they are related to coronary heart disease risk which has been proven in epidemiologic studies. However, coronary heart disease risk only can be decreased by decreasing LDL-C content.
“Decreasing LDL-C content, both in primary and secondary preventions, is proven in preventing cardiovascular risk,” said Triatmo.