Eight UGM students were selected to join the Logistics and Supply Chain (LSCAMP) Workshop in Surabaya, East Java. The first national workshop is run by Institut Supply Chain and Logistic Indonesia (ISLI) in cooperation with Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS).
The Logistics and Supply Chain (LSCAMP) Workshop lasts from 24-26 February 2017, opened by Rector of ITS, and followed with visits to agriculture industry by Eco Urban Farming ITS Surabaya, and MERR Surabaya vegetables farms.
The seven Industrial Engineering students are Ari Carisza Graha Prasetia, Eriko Rizki Firmansyah, Eris Sofyan Tri Saputra, Sekar Sakti, Nararya Ahmad Dharmika, Risqika Edni Doni Achsan, and Yulianita Rahayu, and one Agricultural Industrial Technology student, Ganang Aziz Nurhuda.
Ganang said the Logistics and Supply Chain (LSCAMP) Workshop was aimed for students and lecturers to discuss and share how the supply chains of agriculture industry really work, involving 56 lecturers and 47 students from various Indonesian universities.
“It was creative and much konwledge was taught on supply chain, which is complicated but delivered into a fun activity,” said Ganang.
“The workshop was completed with a simulation competition and presentation in front of lecturers and students from across Indonesia, then visiting Kaliandra farms,” said Ari Carisza Graha Prasetia at UGM on Monday (6/3).
Risqika Edni Doni Achsan said the agriculture theme was appropriate as it is close to the Indonesian community that can benefit them well. In this programme, participants enjoyed firsthand experience on farming.
“This is important to learn problems affecting agricultural logistics in Indonesia. The event is expected to inspire and motivate the young generation on agricultural products distribution,” said Doni, who is a Favourite and Outstanding Student of Universitas Gadjah Mada 2016 .