The moot court team from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Faculty of Law has been selected to represent Indonesia in the Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in Washington in April 2017. They will compete with around 500 teams from 80 countries in the world.
Previously, the UGM had to compete with 16 teams from other universities nationally in Indonesia. At the competition held at UGM from 9-11 February, the UGM team came as the third winner, following UI and UPH at the first and second places.
“The big 3 will represent Indonesia at the international level in Washington DC, U.S.,” said team chairman, Yohanes Djingga, on Wednesday (8/3) at the Faculty.
Yohanes Djingga said Jessup Competition was a moot court adopting the system of International Court of Justice, held annually by International Law Students Association (ILSA).
“Iin the competition, participants become solicitors and judges of a country in dispute against another. The participant would do simulations in front of the International Court of Justice,” he said.
The competition raises topics on public international laws that are grouped into four main topics, natural resource division in two bordering countries (case of Chile vs Bolivia), protection of world heritage, protection of cultural sites, and refugee.
The UGM team has members: Felicity, Ivan Gautama, Muhammad Dwista Rasendriya, Sheila Putri Alina, Regina Wangsa, and Christopher A.J. Mogot. They all have prepared for 6 months and visited law firms in Jakarta to train themselves.
Hans said that they were happy UGM would represent Indonesia at the world level. The last achievement made was in 2012 when a UGM team came to Washington to represent the country.
“We would like to ask for support from the academic community so that we can make an outstanding achievement in the next competition,” he concluded.