In the run up to the election of new rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), there has been increased interest among the members of UGM academic community. A Forum of Aspiration will be conducted four times to engage the academic community in exploring the work programme of all rector candidates that is based on the vision and mission of UGM.
“There are many members of academic community already registering to join the Forum of Aspiration,” said a member of the rector election team, Subejo, Ph.D, on Monday (13/3).
Over 100 students have applied for seats of the total 500. Some lecturers and non-teaching staff have done it, too. Others have yet to register.
Subejo invited other members of academic community to be present at the Forum and participate in the rector election. Registration can be done online at http://seleksirektor.ugm.ac.id
“For the Forum of Aspiration, we provide up to 200 seats for professors, 250 lecturers, 400 non-teaching staff, and 500 students,” he explained.
The Forum is one phase of selection and election of UGM Rector for the period of 2017-2022. As many as eight candidates have passed administrative selection.
The schedules for the Forum of Aspiration are 21 March 2017 from 08.00–12.00 in the Senate Hall for professors, Thursday, 23 March 2017 for lecturers, Wednesday, 29 March 2017 from 08.00–12.00 in Grha Sabha Pramana hall for non-teaching staff, and Thursday, 30 March 2017 from 12.00–16.00 for students.