National Resilience Board (DKN) has established cooperation with Universitas Gadjah Mada for drafting the roadmap for regional energy governance on Friday (17/3) at UGM conference room. The signing of agreement was done by Deputy Head of Surveys and Remote Sensing of the Board, Admiral Teguh Prihantono, S.Sos., and Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Alumni, Dr. Paripurna, S.H., LL.M,.
Teguh Prihantono said the reason for the Board to establish the cooperation was to collect input from experts at UGM on regional energy management. The input will be submitted to the president. “The input from academics will be submitted to the President so that he can make policy which is comprehensive, strategic, and feasible,” he said.
He expected the cooperation to produce useful solution that supports nationaI resilience policy. Not only on energy, food and water are other points of attention for the Board. “Energy, food, and water are vital matters and we know that if these are not handled well, we will face problems,” he said.
Paripurna welcomed the cooperation between UGM and the Board. In his opinion, the cooperation would run well and produce useful input for the government to develop regional energy management policy. “Of this cooperation we can produce something useful to education, research, and policy for energy roadmap drafting in the region,” he said.