Research, Technology and Higher Learning Ministry has redesigned research funding schemes for higher education in the attempt to increase productivity among higher education researchers.
“Starting in 2017, the research schemes have been simplified for easy access by researchers as well as to open new opportunities for researchers that have not done works before under existing schemes,” said Director General for Research Enhancement and Development from the Ministry, Muh. Dimyati, on Friday (17/3) when giving a public lecture titled Research Guide 2018, National Research Policy and Research Development Opportunity through International Funding at Faculty of Geography UGM.
Dimyati said there were 17 research schemes comprising basic and applied research, and development research. Now they have been reformulated into just 14 schemes to boost research that orientates to innovation and invention that can increase national competitiveness.
“The streamlining of research schemes is an effort to increase achievements of research indicators, namely publication, intellectual property, and industry prototype,” he said.
Dimyati revealed that Indonesia has made international publications that are still far below those of other ASEAN countries, or ranks fourth after Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.
“In year 2016 the number of international publications was 9,989 and this year it needs to be increased while in 2019 we have to top ASEAN ranks,” he said.
The Ministry further encouraged increased intellectual property rights on copy right, brand, geographic indication, industrial design, integrated circuit layout, trade confidentiality, patent, and protection of plant varieties. On patent, in 2016 the target of 1,735 has been surpassed at 1,960. In 2017, the target for patent has been set higher because Law 13/2006 on patent that is pro-research and SMEs has already been completed.
Also present at the event were representatives from British Embassy that described research opportunities through international funding, which is Newton Fund.