History is Always Actual is the tagline as well as the theme of Grand Reunion of Department of History, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The reunion invited all alumnae of Department of History from many generations. The grand reunion which was held for two days since March 18 until March 19, 2017 at Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM was crowded and festive by various agendas.
The grand reunion was opened by open speeches by several figures of history sector. Deputy Head of Political Communication and Information Dissemination of Presidential Staff Office, Eko Sulistyo, explained how historical approach is used in this government era, particularly in the making of the government vision and strategic policies. Eko gave an example on how Trisakti visions is used as the government foundation on economic independency, political sovereignty, and cultural character. Then, he also gave another example about mental revolution vision which was born from a reading of the nation’s history that just focused on the establishment of economic growth but forgetting Indonesian human side.
“Today’s government is government who learns from history,” said Eko.
Meanwhile, a speech was also delivered by the Head of Indonesian History Community, Hilmar Farid. Hilmar discussed about profession in history area and its future. Hilmar opened his speech with a question on who a historian is. A question which has arised since many years ago. Answering the question himself, Hilmar at first differentiated history as science dicipline and history as a profession.
“Those are totally different, but in the 20th century, they tend to unite,” said Hilmar.
Furthermore, Hilmar reviewed the background of the development of historian from the 19th century until the 20th century. The definition of historian has changed from time to time until now. So, Hilmar concluded that a historian is someone who uses historical science discipline in his/her profession. “Someone whose profession is in history sector is called historian, but a historian is not necessarily someone whose profession is in history sector.”
According to Hilmar, the reunion theme is very precise to drive people from various professions but use historical science discipline to develop history. “I hope history not only become a subject in university but also can give perspective on many things,” he added.