Family Planning not only aims at improving the health of mother and child, reducing population increase, but also improving the quality of life of people through healthy and prosperous family. “Family planning has to be revitalised and promoted again. We adjust this programme to the development of infrastructure and humans that are launched by government,” said Head of Demography and Family Planning (BKKBN), Surya Chandra Surapaty, in a general lecture titled Politics of Indonesian Demography Policy on Tuesday(21/3) at the Centre for Demography and Policy Studies UGM.
He said currently Indonesia currently prepared for demography bonus and ASEAN Economic Community, which require qualified and competent human resource with good character. To get this quality, the role of family is essential, because family is the first and main environment to meet their physical and mental needs. “That’s the challenge for us to improve human resource quality and all of those lies in a family,” he said.
To control the number of population, the government still socialises population programme and family planning, including by reducing the death rate among mother and child by campaigning that people should marry at 21 years of age at the minimal, distancing birth deliveries at 3 years, not having more than 2 children, and avoiding births above 35 years of age. No less important is the fulfillment of nutrients for children. “If babies are well-fed with milk and nutrients, the brain development of the child since conception through to 2 years old will be good. They will be great people in their first 1,000 days,” he said.
The BKKBN also has the programme to prepare Generation Planning (GenRe) that targets adolescent groups and young people who are not married, students, as well as family and communities that care. The young people are expected to get high education, get a decent and competitive job, have a well planned marriage, be active in social life, and lead a healthy lifestye.