Community Service Directorate of Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with Social Ministry, Social Agency of Yogyakarta, Social Agency for Women Empowerment of Kulon Progo, and Education and Training Agency of Yogyakarta, have conducted Training of Trainers (ToT) themed Capacity Building towards Welfare and Independent Village (DSM) in Girimulyo district, Kulon Progo regency, on Thursday (16/3).
Secretary of the Directorate, Dr. Novi Siti Kussuji Indrastuti, M.Hum, said this event aimed at increasing capacity of participants in achieving the Welfare and Independent Village. “There are eight villages currently under guidance in this project,” she said on Friday (24/3).
According to Novi, the event was attended by social welfare workers, youth, NGOs, women, and experts from UGM. It was led by Prof. Dr. Harno Dwi Pranowo, M.Si and Drs. Saptopo Bambang Ilkodar, M.Si as moderator. Topics discussed in the event include: Management and Marketing of Product of Excellence by Drs. Dumairy, MA, lecturer from Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Strategy to Develop Cooperation by Dra. Aisah Indati, M.S, lecturer from Faculty of Psychology UGM, Formation of Social Health Centre by Dra. Kussumi Diyanayati, MA, from Research and Development Agency for Social Welfare of Yogyakarta, Community Empowerment Model for Village Potential Development, by Dra. Ambar Teguh Sulistiyani, M.Sc, from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, and Basic Skills for Social Work Practices by Drs. Prih Warsoyo, M.PA, from Education and Training Agency of Yogyakarta.
The participants are from villages such as Gerbosari (Samigaluh district), Banjararum (Kalibawang district), Kaliagung (Sentolo district), Tuksono (Sentolo district), Hargotirto (Kokap district), Hargowilis (Kokap district), Kulur (Temon district), and Giripurwo (Girimulyo district).
Attending the event were representatives from Social Agency of Yogyakarta and Head of Social Agency for Women Empowerment of Kulon Progo.