As many as 71 students of SD Panggang 2 elementary school in Giriharjovillage, Gunung Kidul regency, followed tree planting and waste disposal project around their neighbourhood. Through a community service programme themed Education on Environment organised by UGM students who are nature enthusiasts (MAPAGAMA group), it is expected to develop children’s care about the environment.
Event chairperson, Tyas Yulia Istiana, said it involved 21 member candidates of MAPAGAMA who educated the primary school students to care for the environment through tree planting and waste management.
“We teach the students to do tree planting by different methods, which is vertical garden using used bottles. They are environmentally friendly and make the surrounding nicer,” she said.
After the tree planting training, the students were taught on how to dispose organic and inorganic waste.
The event from lasting 18-19 March 2017 is part of the training for new members of MAPAGAMA. “Community service is the programme to make the new members get adjusted to the university’s three duties (education, research, communicy service),” said MAPAGAMA’s Development Unit Chairman, Muhammad Reza Khairurrahman.
Reza added from the community service the new members of MAPAGAMA might learn the culture and local wisdom which are beneficial for field projects.