Research and innovation development is the key to building nation’s competitiveness. So, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Learning encourages research that is oriented on innovation and invention to improve nation’s competitivenesss for people’s welfare.
“Don’t do research for meeting the academic target only. Change the orientation by doing research for people’s welfare that eventually will affect the nation’s competitiveness,” said Director General for Research Enhancement and Development of the Ministry, Dr. Muh. Dimyati, on Thursday(6/4) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
During socialiation event of Policy, Management and Implementation of Research in 2017 and 2018, Dimyati mentioned in the past two years, Indonesia’s competitiveness had decreased. Research so far cannot give multiplier effect so it cannot push the competitive power. Thus, the Ministry has reformulated funding schemes for research in the effort to increase research productivity in higher learning and boost research that orientates towards innovation and invention that can improve competitiveness.
“The adjustments in research schemes are to increase achievements of research indicators, namely, publication, intellectual property right, and industrial prototype,” he said.
Presently, Indonesia’s publication is behind those of other ASEAN countries, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.
“In 2016 the number of publications reached 11,406, far below Malaysia which was 25,000,” he said.
He was optimistic, however, that going forward, Indonesia can stay at the top level among ASEAN. The Ministry has prepared regulations on allowance for lecturer profession and honorary allowance for professors to improve the quality and quantity of publications, as well as regulations to impose publication writing for magister and doctoral students.
“The Minister hopes that by 2019 Indonesia can top the ranks of ASEAN. This would be very likely to achieve with the issuance of regulations that encourage scientific publications. The potential for publications is 151 thousands,” he said.
The Ministry further encouraged increase in intellectual property right through copy right, brand, geographic indication, industrial design, integrated circuit, trade confidentialities, patent, and protection of plant varieties. These are all done to downstream research products to the industry.