Five state universities in Yogyakarta, UGM, UNY, UPN, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, and ISI are ready to organise the Joint Selection for State Universities Admission (SBMPTN) 2017. The SBMPTN is based on the results of Paper Based Testing (PBT) and Computer Based Testing (CBT). Secretary of Local Committee 46 Yogyakarta, Dr. Agr. Ir. Sri Peni Wastutiningsih, said SBMPTN 2017 could be attended by students graduating in 2015, 2016, and 2017 from secondary education (SMA/SMK/MA) or equivalent, including Package C.
“All costs of SBMPTN administration is charged to the participants and Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Learning,” Peni said on Tuesday (11/4).
She explained the SBMPTN opened on Tuesday, 11 April at 08.00 hrs to 5 May 2017 at 22.00 hrs local time (WIB). The CBT and PBT written tests will commence on 16 May. Skills tests are conducted on 17 and 18 May for arts and sports study programmes. Announcement of SBMPTN results will be made on 13 June 2017.
“More information of the SBMPTN 2017 can be accessed at http://www.sbmptn.ac.id.,” she added.
Requirement for registration and study programme, according to Peni, was not much different from the previous years. A maximum of three study programmes can be selected by participants. If the participant only selects one, they can select any state university anywhere. The order of the study programme selection shows the priority of choice.
“For those that select two or three study progamme, one of them has to be in the university of the same region with where the participant would sit for the test,” she added.
Seat allocations for SBMPTN of the five state universities are: UGM for 2,657 people, UNY 1,862, UIN Sunan Kalijaga 500, UPN 920 and ISI 106 orang.
More information on SBMPTN can be obtained by contacting HALO SNMPTN http://halo.snmptn.ac.id Call Center : 0804-1-450-450, Public Relations PMB UNY at www.uny.ac.id 0274-548811, Public Relations PMB UGM at www.ugm.ac.id 0274 – 551222, Admission office UIN Sunan Kalijaga at Admisi.uin-suka.ac.id 0274 558254, Public Relations PMB UPN at www.upnyk.ac.id 0274 486733 and Public Relations PMB ISI Yogyakarta at www.pmb.isi.ac.id