ASEAN University Network on Higher Education for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) has assessed three study programmes at Universitas Gadjah Mada since Tuesday (2/5). These are Nursing, Medical Education, and Engineering Agriculture. UGM Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D., said the assesment by AUN-QA was a form of UGM commitment to improve the quality of education and teaching.
Iwan said in his office of Thursday (4/5) that UGM along with other ASEAN universities have agreed to make the AUN QA as the institution that evaluates the improvements made on system quality in education and teaching of higher education. With such assessment, governance of study programme will get better among ASEAN. “AUN is an instrument to share experience in making improvements on the quality and assurance of study programme,” he said.
Areas that are assessed by AUN assessors, according to Iwan, are not only education and teaching, but also governance, human resource, and infrastructure supports.
Vice Executive Director of AUN, Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, said AUN- QA focused more on evaluation and continuous improvement of governance aspects of education, teaching, and learning in each study programme. Through this assessment, assessors and study programme managers can share with each other and find which areas need to be improved. In his opinion, the AUN-QA was not to earn an accreditation only, but to improve and develop the quality of study programme. “At the AUN we also make system developments, working with experts from Europe, so that the AUN-QA can progress,” he concluded.