Office of International Affairs of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada will conduct an international program, ASEAN Youth Socialpreneurship Program (AYSPP), AYSPP 2017 is themed Creative Minds Solve Problems and Inspire Others. The event every two years is a competition of social entrepreneurship that will also invite resource persons in social entrepreneurship. Application will start on 8 May 2017 and closes on 11 June 2017.
Head of the Office, Agustina Kustulasari, M.A., said that social entrepreneurship was important as it responds to complex social issues which adopts effective, innovative, and sustainable approach. Social entrepreneurship is seen as able to address current problems, such as social gap, unemployment, social exclusion, and poverty. AYSPP 2017 will be the right media for the young people that have creative social entrepreneurship skills in services, technology, creative industry, and agrobusiness.
“We invite the young people to care and dare to come up with solutions to social problems around their environment,” she said on Friday (5/5).
Participants will undergo some stages of selection, first, online selection which will select 75 people, followed by short video and infographics production which will pick 20 people who will later be invited to Yogyakarta for the finals to be held from 15-19 September 2017. In the final, they will complete the competition, do cultural program and visits to social entrepreneurship professionals in Yogyakarta.
As is known, AYSPP 2015 has been the competition for the young people from ASEAN to train their business ideas. As many as 250 teams had applied to AYSPP back in 2015 from the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.
Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si., hoped the AYSPP would drive the young generation to actively be engaged in addressing problems through social entrepreneurship. Erwan also hoped the Indonesian students joining the AYSPP would be able to compete along with their counterparts from ASEAN.
“I hope the AYSPP would encourage the young people to create entrepreneurial projects that are creative and innovative that can help resolve current problems,” he said.