Governor of Victoria, Australia, Linda Dessau, visited Kricak district in Yogyakarta on Thursday (4/5). Kricak has been involved in the project to control dengue fever, which is a cooperation between Faculty of Medicine UGM, Eliminate Dengue Project (EDP) Yogya and Yayasan Tahija.
Coordinator of EDP Yogya, Bekti Andari, explained the participation of the local people in the project conducted by EDP Yogya.
Researcher and epidemiologist from EDP Yogya, dr. Riris Andono Ahmad, MPH, Ph.D., said the research in Kricak would last until the end of 2019. “It aims to get the result whether Aedes aegypti mosquito carrying Wolbachia bacteria are able to reduce the prevalence of dengue fever in the areas of research,” said the medical lecturer from UGM.
Linda Dessau appreciated the research in the area, saying, “As far as it goes, the research by EDP Yogya is the best research that engages the local residents,” she said.
She also appreciated Yayasan Tahija for their commitment that has funded the project. “Without their strong commitment, this research would not run,” said Linda.
In his speech, Agus said Yayasan Tahija to continue with the funding that had started since year 2004. ”The key to the research is sense of belonging,” which he said as had been shown by all, including Universitas Gadjah Mada and local governments.
Linda further thanked the people of Yogyakarta. She wrote in a mural being installed in Kricak, “Thank you for the partnership between Victoria + Yogyakarta,” next to the writing of “Fantastic Community Engagement” by world philanthropist Melinda Gates when she visited the same place in March.