People normally would dump coconut fibre away after consuming the coconut. For a group of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students, waste coconut fibre has been processed into handicrafts that have economic value.
Flower pot, dolls, and keychain are products made from coconut fibre by twelve Engineering and Agriculture students. They are Yofrizal Alfi, Fikri Muhammad, Yulisyah Putri Daulay, Verna Ardhi Hapsari, Putu Sri Ronita Dewi, Icha Ludyawati, Rischa Agustina, Fathurrahman Setiawan, Fajar Sina M, Karina Dita, I Komang Adi W, and M. Pradipta Natriasukma.
The students were concerned with the problem emerging in Plampang hamlet in Kalirejo village, Kulon Progo regency. There is a rich supply of cooconut in the village along with its waste, that includes coconut fibre. But this has not been made into a useful product by the local people.
“The potential of coconut fibre is very abundant, but it has yet to be utilised well. Most people just dump it or burn it down,” said Putu Sri Ronita Dewi on Sunday (8/5) at UGM.
The students then gave a coaching to the local residents how to process waste coconut fibre into good handicrafts in the Co-craft program.
“The Co-Craft programme is designed to improve the economy of the local residents,”she said.
The programme has three main activities. First, processing of fibre into three types, rough, soft, and powder. Second, training on handicraft products, and third offline and online marketing for women. The women will also be trained on good bookkeeping.
“There are 3 products of excellence of coconut fibre, namely coco potty, coco doll, and coco keychain,” said Putu.
Coco potty is flower pot with unique design that acts as planting educational media. Coco doll is environmentally friendly souvenir which is woven of coconut fibre that has animal theme. Coco keychain has nationalist and traditional theme. All is sold ranging from Rp10,000 – Rp50,000.
“For the marketing of them, we do it online, through website and social media as well as offline marketing through souvenir shops in Kulon Progo and Kota Yogyakarta,” he said,.
“We expect the producst of this program can be a unique product of Plampang that can support the tourism village development and increase the prosperity of the local residents,” she said.