Application to Joint Selection to State University (SBMPTN) was closed on Tuesday (9/5) at 16.00 West Indonesian Time. Head of Public Relations and Protocol Office of UGM, Dr. Iva Ariani said after being closed, the total SBMPTN applicants in Yogyakarta for Paper-Based Testing (PBT) and Computer Based Testing (CBT) reach 40,894 people.
The participants of SBMPTN through PBT mechanism at UGM consists of 16,743 people for Science and Technology category, 3,300 at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional for Social and Humanities, 15,741 at Yogyakarta State University for Social and Humanities, and 3,520 at Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University for combined categories, while the breakdown of CBT applicants is 585 people for Science and Technology, 809 people for Social and Humanities, and 196 for combination of both categories.
“Therefore, the total applicants of PBT and CBT are 40,894 people,” said Iva Ariani on Tuesday (9/5).
Iva said there are 27 participants who have special needs. Meanwhile, computers for CBT mechanism have been prepared in those universities, consisting of 810 computers at Yogyakarta State University, 440 computers at Universitas Gadjah Mada, 240 computers at Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University, and 100 computers at National Development University.
SBMPTN 2017 is attended by the students who graduated from high school/vocational school/Islamic school in 2015, 2016, and 2017 including C packet students. Iva said the five universities in Yogyakarta, including UGM, UNY, UPN, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, and ISI (Indonesian Arts Institute) are ready to hold the Joint Selection to State University (SBMPTN) 2017.
Moreover, the CBT and PBT tests will be held on May 16, 2017, while the tests for skills in arts and sports will be held on May 17 and 18, 2017. The result of the SBMPTN will be announced on 13 June 2017. Seat allocations in the five universities are UGM for 2,657 people, UNY 1,862, UIN Sunan Kalijaga 500, UPN 920 and ISI 106 people.