Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has constructed a chocolate factory in Segayung Utara, Batang regency, Central Java. Launching of the opening was done by Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D on Saturday (6/5), marked by a plaque signing that was witnessed by Vice-Rectors, Deans, and management of PT. Pagilaran company.
Dr. Rahmat Gunadi, Director of PT. Pagilaran, said PT. Pagilaran had long wanted to build a chocolate factory. With the principle of socioentrepreunership, PT. Pagilaran wants to also develop the welfare of cocoa farmers of the area.
Rahmat Gunadi explained the establishment of the chocolate factory would ensure the downstreaming production.
“With this certainty, we would have a good price in the partnership programme. So, the farmers would have better price than if they sell the cocoa conventionally based on the market price,” he said.
The factory would be named as Centre for Development of Integrated Cocoa Agribusiness. It lies on an area of 2.8 hectares in size, the building measures 4,000 meter square. The plantation spans 165 hectares. Construction work is estimated to cost as high as 105 billion to come from Industry Ministry. It is expected that by year 2018, the factory has yielded productions.
“We expect the first stage of production to complete in 2018. We will equip the factory with supporting facilities, such as small business empowerment,” said Rahmat Gunadi.
“Initially, we would produce liquor chocolate, followed by butter chocolate eventually,” he said.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, added that PT Pagilaran belonging to UGM is a form of UGM Teaching Industry that is built with the socioentrepreneur spirit.
“With the support from UGM academic community in building the socioentrepreneur spirit, this would boost UGM’s leap of progress in teaching industry,”said the Rector.