SBMPTN 2017 is hosted on Tuesday (16/5). In Yogyakarta, five state universities, namely UGM, UNY, UPN, UIN Sunan Kalijaga and ISI are organising it under the coordination of Local Committee 46 Yogyakarta.
The total number of participants in Yogyakarta is 40,894 with 39,305 taking Paper Based Testing (PBT) and 1,590 taking Computer Based Testing (CBT). Participants of Computer Based Testing (CBT) has also increased this year by ten times or 20,890 people across Indonesia in 2017 from around 2000 in 2016.
A press conference is given alongside the tests at the UGM Conference Room, attended by representatives from the five universities and Director of Quality Assurance from Higher Learning Directorate, Aris Junaedi.
Aris explained the improvements that have been made to the implementation of the entrance test this year, including on the test quality.
“The improvement can be seen, among others, in the percentage of admission, i.e. through SNMPTN mechanism it is 30% while through SBMPTN it is 40%,” said Aris.
Other improvements are the service given to disabled participants. Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati M.Sc., Ph.D., explained in Yogyakarta there were 27 participants with special needs. In addition, Aris Junaedi explained they would be provided a mentor or two that would help the participants technically, such as informing them of the bells signing the start or end of the test.
To anticipate against cheats, UGM Vice-Rector for Academic Student Affairs, Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, said monitoring is done to see any suspicious acts that can lead to cheating. ID card checking is also made to prevent possible abuses.
After the press conference, the committee along with journalists visited several test locations, including Faculty of Biology UGM and Faculty of Medicine UGM.