Community Service Directorate of Universitas Gadjah Mada in cooperation with Ministry of Development of Rural and Underdeveloped Region and Transmigration have given additional guidance to UGM students on community service programme (KKN) in South Sangatta village, East Kutai regency, Kalimantan. It last from 23-24 May at KLMB Hall, Faculty of Geography UGM, attended by students from various faculties, supervising lecturers, as well as trainers and representatives from the Ministry.
“I warmly welcome this event to give the students more understanding on the rural affairs,” said Head of Research and Development Centre from the Ministry, Ir. Leroy Samy Uguy, MA, Ph.D.
During the community service programme that will run in mid-2017, the students will do developments in the Agribis-Lestari forests based on ICT in the South Sangatta village to develop the potential of this area. This has been proposed by Development study programme of the Faculty, chaired by Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T, who also acts as field supervising lecturer.
The description on the concept of thematic KKN programme from the Ministry covers five sessions: concept of thematic KKN, delivered by Saraswati Soegiharto, community empowerment by Anharudin, cooperation between villages by Djoko Puguh W, Participatory Planning for Rural Development by Sutoro Eko, Sustainable Rural Development by Didik Suharjito, and act plan drafting by Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T.
“Through this event the students are expected to be facilitators of the rural community in developing the IT in the village, setting up a business entity with the concept of village development that explores community participation,” said Leroy.
The following day saw the signing of cooperation agreement between the R&D Centre of the Ministry and LPPM UGM, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Papua, and Universitas Nusa Cendana. UGM side was represented by Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc. as Chairman of LPPM UGM.