Realizing the unity in diversity principle of Indonesia, Centre for Pancasila Studies UGM collaborating with National Unity and Politics Board of Yogyakarta and Association of Private Universities Yogyakarta held training for cadres for national assimilation at Kebonagung Village, Imogiri district, Bantul regency, from May 22 until 24, 2017. It was attended by as many as 45 students coming from various ethnic groups and religions in Indonesia.
All participants were divided into small groups that stayed overnight in the local people’s houses during the event. This mechanism was expected to introduce the cultures and wisdom of local society towards the participants.
“We hope the participants can realize Indonesia is a nation which is religious, friendly, and respects differences,” said Dr. Heri Santoso, Head of the Centre for Pancasila Studies UGM.
The participants were also trained on how students can build a holistic intelligence which consists of intellectual, kinesthetic, emotional, and spiritual intelligence. According to a Researcher at the Centre, Surono, M.A., the holistic intelligence will encourage the students to understand and implement the values of diversity and Pancasila in their daily life. Surono hopes this training can encourage them to be a reliable national assimilation cadre.
“This event is essential considering the national problems which are getting more complex,” Surono emphasized.
According to the Head of National Unity and Politics Board Yogyakarta, Agung Supriyono, S.H., the event has an essential role in giving education towards the participants to be the agents in accelerating the process of national assimilation. Pancasila values will be implemented in the process, particularly regarding diversity and nationalism. “In the future, this will be further intensified with the model of national education like this,” said Agung.