Hundreds of students on student community service programme (KKN PPM UGM) had a meeting on Thursday (8/6) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM to have additional information on their role as the driving force of rural development. The students will be dispatched to several locations in Central Java.
“Students on community service will help the local people to find and identify problems and potential of the village, including what their aspirations are,” said Head of Community Service Agency of Central Java province, Drs. Sudaryanto, M.Si.
He described rural development programme and village model pilot project to be held in the province during the student community service programme which is a collaboration between UGM and Central Java provincial government. He said understanding of the regulations related to village functions and condition to be met on the field was important to be learned by the students in advance.
Sudaryanto said through this KKN programme, the students were expected to give positive influence to the rural people to develop their capacity and advance their village.
“The village has to advance, be independent and prosperous, but not losing their identity. You will all accompany them to developing themselves, asking them to recognise their own village,” he said.
Culture expert, Ripana Puntasara, said it was important for UGM students to recognise the village first before they can make real contribution to the rural development.
“It’s important to know that the village is the shared property and responsibility of ours. So, we have to listen, remember, and learn our village together,” he said.
Ripana mentioned the main issues to identify the village related to territory and environment, people’s need and how to get it, economic endeavours and products of excellence of the village, and groups and institutions existing in the village. With these, the students are expected to get to know the village and can set determination and agreement to work on the field along with the rural people.
Further briefing was given from office of Co-ordinating Minister on Human Development and Culture as well as on citizen Journalism by Director of LPP RRI, Mohammad Rohanudin.