UGM Midwifery students have developed a learning tool called as Phalasetom, Automatic Phantom for Ten Cervical Dilatations as a solution to dilatation learning model.
“In the lab, existing demo tools are impractical and expensive, which come in 10 forms of tools of each one cervical opening. So, we make a more practical tool which just comes in one practical, automatic tool, run on android,” said Solikhah Maulida on Wednesday (21/6).
Solikhah said she had the idea for the tool when doing practicum and helping a delivery.
“When assessing cervical opening in mothers, it’s much different and complicated than the theories in the lab using just phantoms. Skills for midwives are important to determine if the mother will undergo a normal delivery or needs to be referred to,” she said.
Phalasetom is a learning model that can answer to the difficulties and problems in child birth facing midwives when seeing the cervical dilatation changes. Phalasetom combines cervical phantom with an electronic circuit to motion actuator as cervical controls.
“Settings of cervical opening in Phalasetom can be done by wireless using Android smartphones,” said Solikhah.
Phalasetom comes in simple, durable, efficient, and effective model. It uses motors after receiving bluetooth signals from the Android apps on cervical opening.
“Phalasetom uses bluetooth hc05 module to receive instructions from mobile apps through microcontroller of arduino nano that will generate the motor along with the required cervical opening, sensor to calculate the number of rotations so as to be suitable, using rotary encoder sensor,” she added.
Solikhah said the tool enabled the lecturer and students to improve their skills in child birth process so they will have better competence.