The ICM event was held in Toronto, Canada, from 18 until 22 June 2017. It is an international confederation of midwives that organizes 131 midwives association in four regions which are Africa, America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. Together with the WHO, United Nations institutions including UNFPA, Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), The International Pediatric Association (IPA), The International Council of Nurses (ICN), Governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), as well as communities, this confederation creates synergy to enhance the health of mothers and children globally.
“This event was attended by more than 400,000 midwives from 113 nations in the world,” said Mumtihana on Tuesday (4/7) at Vocational School UGM.
Mumtihana said during the event that she proposed an idea and programme in the educational sector entitled Development of Integrated Health Post for Adolescents by Empowerment of Collaborative Health Students: A Method of Implementing Interprofessional Education in Communities. This programme not only aims to provide comprehensive health services for adolescents but also educate inter-professional health students to collaborate in solving health issues.
“Through this programme, the health professional team which consists of midwifery, medical, dentistry, public health, nutrition, and psychology students, will be trained to collaborate in providing health services to adolescents,” she added.
Moreover, there will be a programme of monthly evaluations and health counseling in schools which currently have no health programme for adolescents. This programme will provide health services for the underserved communities. On the other hand, it gives an opportunity for the students to develop their adolescent clinical ability to learn how to collaborate effectively as an interprofessional team.
“It is essential do this considering health issues in the community, particularly considering how very complex adolescent issues are and which need attention from various parties,” said Mumtihana who is involved in the Indonesian Midwives Association in Yogyakarta Region.
Mumtihana add that, currently, this programme has been running based on the initiation from Midwifery Study Programme of Vocational School UGM. In the future, this programme will be developed through cooperation among faculties in the medical cluster in UGM and involve the Health Institution, Educational Institution, as well as National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN).
Through this cooperation with many parties, the programme is expected to be carried out well and beneficial for the community.