Government will re-design vocational education curriculum by involving the industry to guarantee the relevance between graduates and industrial demands. This emerged in a workshop on vocational accounting curriculum that invited Director for Learning from Higher Learning Ministry, Dr Ir Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P, as speaker at University Club University UGM on Friday (14/7).
According to Purwandani, revitalisation of vocational school was done by perfecting achievements of curriculum 3+2+1, apart from opening applied vocations and diploma one, two and three programmes. “Government will encourage more diploma graduates,” she said.
Vocational education graduates that are expected by the government, according to Purwandani, not only have technical capabilities but also other capabilities to compete with other graduates. “Currently, their technical capabilities are adequate but not accompanied with logical capabilities,” she revealed.
The vocational curriculum to be revitalised will contain character building and leadership skills to make the graduates more competitive. “There are more vocational education than academic graduates that cannot get recruited. So, we encourage them to be more in demand at the job market,” she said,
Faiz Zamzami, SE, M.Acc., QIA., chairman of Accountants Forum (IAI-KAPd), supported the government plan to revitalise the curriculum. Even so, the UGM Vocational School lecturer said such re-designing would need studies first to implement it as well as socialisation and input gathering from vocational education managers. “One of the those is with accounting programme managers from Indonesian universities,” he said.
He added the national workshop aimed at the curriculum design that focuses on the strengthening of competencies and learning achievement suitability in accounting, public sector accounting, and taxation accounting. The workshop from 14-15 July will be attended by 56 Indonesian universities.