The fire extinguisher robot produced by Gadjah Mada Robotic Team (GMRT) will go to the Trinity College Fire-Fighting Home Robot Contest (TCFFHRC) in the United States in April 2018. The Al-Fatih robot has become the first winner in the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) 2017, thus being entitled to represent Indonesia in the international contest.
Al-Fatih became the winner after beating 21 other robots from a number of universities in Indonesia during the Indonesian Fire Extinguisher Robot Contest (KRPAI). The UGM robot was able to extinguish the fire in a limited time through various challenges with a small margin of error.
“The Al-Fatih robot has earned the highest scores for a very small margin or error compared to other competitors’,” said Adin Gumilang, programmer of Al-Fatih on Thursday (20/7) speaking to journalists at UGM Main Office.
This robot has the capability to detect fires quickly. It will move fast to the fire spot, extinguish it, and return to the home base. These capabilities were due to the robot designs that were developed with two sensor systems, heat sensor that can detect fire spots, and motion sensor that can detect the barriers around the robot.
Another robot of UGM, Al-Fan, became the third winner in the Indonesian Dancing Robot Contest (KRTI). Al-Fan finished the dancing mission to the tune of Gendhing Sriwijaya.
Sofyan Aji Nugraha, programer of Al-Fan robot, said in this competition each robot was asked to dance when a song was being played, and to stop dancing when the song stopped. The Al-Fan robot completed the mission, working very well under reliable sound sensors.
“This robot has 29 degrees of freedom so it can dance in those degrees. It also has 31 moves that can be carried out,” he said.
Manager of GMRT, Dr. Rachmat Sriwijaya, said those two victories had made UGM the grand champion of the Indonesian Robot Contest 2017. This achievement is credited to the hard work of the students and support from supervising lecturers, faculties, and the university.