Sovereignty issues are getting more pronounced in Indonesia. So, efforts towards strengthening and utilisation of local cultures as well as strengthening state sovereignty ought to be made by all citizens. The step that can be taken to achieve them is, among others, developing Pancasila sciences in the country, especially at higher education.
UGM Centre for Pancasila Studies in cooperation with Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Hassanudin (UNHAS) conduct training for lecturers of Pancasila studies and other subjects to develop the Pancasila sciences in Indonesia on Monday (17/7) at UNHAS, Makassar. As many as 24 lecturers in Makassar joined the training. The event is part of the research themed Reflection and Reconstruction of Pancasila Sciences at Indonesian Higher Education: Case Study of UGM and Universitas Pancasila.
Head of UGM Centre for Pancasila Studies, Dr. Heri Santoso, said this event was beneficial to re-establish the links between Indonesian scientific movement coming from pioneering scientists, especially on Pancasila sciences.
“The Pancasila sciences we meant is the science of Pancasila and sciences that are based on Pancasila,” said Heri.
Philosophy lecturer from UGM, Rizal Mustansyir, reinstated that the development of Pancasila sciences can be done epistemologically. But the scientists ought to have a command of science philosophy first. There is a tendency that some Indonesian academics lack of the science philosophy of the course they are teaching. UNHAS lecturer, Andi Akhmar, shared the views, saying that the development of Pancasila sciences at the local level was highly feasible thanks to the rich scientific resources in Indonesia.