Film piracy has become a common thing in Indonesia. The crime that is detrimental to the film industry is continuing to occur and still difficult to be eradicated. In this digital era, film piracy increasingly spreads out and the movie hijackers often use digital technology in spreading their pirated films both through online and offline sites. Responding to the issue, Central for Digital Society (CFDS) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM held a routine discussion, namely Digitalk, entitled Fighting against Film Piracy in Digital Era on Wednesday (26/7) at Convention Hall of Mandiri Library, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM.
This event presented Head of Indonesia Film Artists Association 56, Marcella Zalianthy, S.Sos., M.H. Marcella who is also the leader of Work Program on Public Education Division in Anti-Piracy Unit of Creative Economy Institution delivered a presentation regarding the works piracy, particularly film. She said piracy practices are becoming more powerful, not only physical but also digital.
“All this while, we have yet to succeed handling film piracy optimally and we even use more advanced technology,” said Marcella.
The effort to eradicate film piracy by reporting it towards the related party which is the Ministry of Communication and Information is still unable to handle the digital piracy. Marcella said when the government closes the hijacker’s sites, they will open new sites. “But we have created a hijacking security unit to handle the problem,” she added.
Marcella further gave advice that can be implemented by the society and government to handle piracy. First, cooperating with the police to optimize each function regarding piracy eradication. The other way is constantly educating the society. “I hope the students in the university can participate to become the agents in order to increase the appreciation towards Indonesian works,” said Marcella.