UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. inaugurated four new vice rectors for 2017-2022 period on Friday (28/7) at Senate Hall UGM.
Those vice rectors are drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D. as Vice Rector of Research and Community Service, Prof.Dr.Ir. Bambang Agus Kironoto as Vice Rector of Human Resource Development and Assets, Dr. Supriyadi, M.Si., Akt. as Vice Rector of Planning, Finance, and Information System, as well as Dr. Paripurna SH, M.Hum, LL.M as Vice Rector of Cooperation and Alumni. They will be mandated up to five years ahead.
UGM Rector congratulated the new vice rectors who will be mandated to dedicate their effort, mind, and time to UGM for the five following years. By collaborating their expertise and dedication, they are expected to contribute for the sake of UGM.
“The tasks ahead are heavy, but everything can be done with the synergy of all components in the faculties, departments, and laboratories in UGM to achieve the targets of the university,” said Panut.
Panut said UGM has many challenges in the future both in education, research, and community services. In the education sector, UGM is required to be able to produce future leaders who have noble character. Not only becoming the nation’s leaders but also outstanding leaders in various fields.
“Looking at this current condition where the unity of the nation is not conducive, the students have to be equipped with knowledge on 4 pillars of the nation which are Pancasila as the nation’s ideology, State Constitution 1945, Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity),” he added.
Meanwhile, in the research sector, UGM is required to find new technology for utilizing the natural resources and the development of cultures. The new technologies are expected to shift the development paradigm that is previously focussed on natural resources to become a productive economy by using technology to process the natural resources.
On the other hand, in community services sector, UGM has to be able to give more contribution towards the society and create various sustainable innovations to lift the dignity of Indonesian society. Panut said there are still as many as 15 poor villages in Yogyakarta. Therefore, it has to be UGM concern that is located in Yogyakarta to contribute to help those villages.
Panut believes all those targets can be achieved through the synergy and harmonization between the university team and all components at UGM. The cooperation will encourage UGM to give more contribution towards the society.
In the occasion, the former vice rectors for 2012-2017 period also conducted the mandatory handover towards the new vice rectors for the 2017-2022 period. Moreover, Panut delivered his acknowledgment towards the former vice rectors who had made improvements and brought progress for UGM.