Utilization of nuclear energy spreads widely due to its utilization for various public facilities such as hospitals. In the middle of this condition, nuclear utilization inspection becomes a concern to keep the safety of users, communities, and the environment. In line with technology development, the nuclear inspection method is also developing into information-technology-based monitoring system named as Balis online.
“Balis online is a website-based information system which is built using open-source-based software in order to encourage the monitoring activity of nuclear utilization, starting from licensing process for radiation facilities and radioactive substances, facilities inspection, certification of X-ray suitability test, to radiation workforces data,” said Deputy Head of Licensing and Inspection Division, Nuclear Energy Inspector Institution (BAPETEN), Khoirul Huda, on Tuesday (1/8) at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM.
In order to give convenience in licensing process, BAPETEN held a 2.0 Online Licensing System and On the Spot Licensing. By the implementation of information technology through Balis Online, nuclear utilization license holders, particularly in the field of health, can apply for a license through the online system without having to waste time, money, and energy.
“Despite being online, it does not mean all the license proposals will be accepted. They are still evaluated first,” he added.
Moreover, there is a Balis Inspection Online 2.0 application that changes the paradigm of the inspection process from the conventional mode into participative inspection by the users, as well as the online workers Balis as a database for recognizing radiation workforces in Indonesia.
Those statements were delivered by Khoirul Huda in the Nuclear Safety Seminar entitled Nuclear Energy Utilization Inspection Based on Information Technology and Public Communication which was held with the collaboration between UGM and BAPETEN.
Head of BAPETEN, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jazi Eko Istiyanto, M.Sc., IPU., said this seminar which has been held since 2000 is held in the university for the first time in order to increase the awareness and comprehension of the communities regarding the nuclear energy utilization.
“It is the first time ever for this seminar to be held outside the BAPETEN. It aims to spread the discussion to many people, not only BATAN (National Nuclear Agency) or BAPETEN,” said Eko.
Eko further said although the seminar was entitled Nuclear Safety, the speakers and participants are not only those who directly utilized nuclear energy, but also academicians and practitioners from other sectors who can also contribute to the improvement of nuclear energy in Indonesia.
This seminar obtained a positive response from Vice Rector of Cooperation and Alumni UGM, Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M. He said, as a university that does various research on nuclear sector, UGM is ready to help the government develop utilization of nuclear energy safety.
“We pay attention to nuclear development because it is also for the sake of our progress. With the increase of the nuclear utilization, its supervision also has to be more stringent,” said Paripurna.