Professors as the holders of the highest academic rank in higher education have a special role to produce scientific works and disseminate their ideas to enlighten the society. To maximise this role, UGM Board of Professors along with professors from various Indonesian universities have initiated the establishment of the Forum of Board of Professors as the media to bring strategic thinking together that can benefit the nation.
“Until today no one has tried to unite strategic thoughts from among professors to be made into recommendations for the government,” said Chair of UGM Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Putu Sudira, M.Sc., in a workshop held among Indonesian Board of Professors on Thursday (3/8) at the Senate Hall UGM.
Putu Sudira explained the idea for the formation of the forum stemmed from the discussion when he was visiting universities in the country and met with professors. The visit triggered ideas to discuss things jointly so that the professors may align ideas and duties as educators.
In the midst of moral crisis happening presently, he said, the role of professors became much more important and urgent to be integrated and voiced.
“Recently, the insight on nationality, knowledge of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika slogan is weakening. In this situation, professors ought to be the pioneer that initiate moral integrity and ethics movement,” he said.
To realise this issue, in the forum two working groups have been set up to formulate ideas on the role and contribution of the Board of Professors, one on work areas and the other on organisation and management of the forum.
“I hope in this forum all can formulate their duties and functions to align perceptions, bring together unities and differences to give the best works to the nation,” said Putu Sudira.
Similar hopes were expressed by Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., that opened the forum. In his remarks, he said that professors have strategic roles with their honour and expertise, whether in developing thoughts on strategic issues or giving solution to those issues.
“Hopefully, the big role of the professors as the pioneers in sustaining moral integrity would not only include the academic community, but also the society through the writings that they produce,” he said.
Prof. Panut further expected that the professors would continue to contribute thoughts that will bring Indonesia into a progressive country as well as encouraging civilisation improvement for the prosperity of the nation.
“I hope agreements can be made in this forum in order that we can work together and form synergies for the sake of the nation,” said the Rector.