Alumni Association of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA), UGM, and Kompas daily hold a regular programme, Teras Kita dialogue. This time it is themed Reflection of Indonesia’s 72th Anniversary, the dialogue presented ministers and regional leaders, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, Public Works and Housing Minister, Basoeki Hadi Muljono, Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno P. Marsudi, Finance Deputy-Minister Mardiasmo and Governor of Central Java who is also Chairman of KAGAMA, Ganjar Pranowo on Saturday (12/8) in Balairung, UGM Main Office.
Minister Retno Marsudi explained the progress of the work done by her Ministry. One of the priorities of the country’s foreign policy is related to the protection of Indonesian nationals where in 2016, there were 18,282 cases happening abroad.
“In 2016 we resolved some 13,000 cases, the remainder has yet to be resolved because they are difficult that take a long time to resolve,” said the Minister.
She added the high case affecting Indonesian nationals abroad was due to the high mobility as well as cases happening in conflict areas, hence hard to resolve. In 2016 also, the Ministry repatriated 41,569 nationals. Minister Retno reinstated the Ministry’s stance to always work for the country’s sovereignty and protect the Indonesian nationals.
“The Foreign Affairs Ministry also contributes to the efforts to realize peace and prosperity in the world,” she said.
Minister Basoeki Hadimuljono explained in housing areas the Ministry in 2015-2016 built 1.5 million of homes of the 1 million target. In 2017 as many as 449,000 were built.
“Until the end of 2019, we will try to build four million at the budget of 74 trillion; this means that the priority of the government is to provide residences,” said Minister Basoeki.
The other high ranking public officials also discussed other issues during the dialogue.