Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada that join Student Community Service program (KKN) in Pitu village of Ngawi regency, East Java, have done society education.
The students educate the village officials on prevention of act of corruption, raising the theme Prevention of Act of Corruption to Manage Village Budget in cooperation with the local Prosecutors Office. Present as speakers on Wednesday (2/8) were Jovi Andrea Bachtiar (UGM Law Student) and Farid Achmad, S.H (representative from Ngawi Prosecutor’s Office).
Jovi explained the drafting of Middle Term Development Plan and Government Work Plan anually to be able to produce effective and efficient budget allocation in line with good governance principles. Jovi emphasised the importance of transparency and accountability in managing the budget. “In line with the village budgeting roadmap that is issued by the Finance Ministry, infrastructure development became a point of focus for allocating the village budget,” said Jovi.
Afterwards, Farid Achmad explained the definition of law and its implications on the society. He said law is a series of norms that rules human lives and contains sanctions for those abusing it. Farid said two evidences as stipulated in the Article 184 of Law of Criminal Procedures are enough to make someone a suspect. “So, there needs to be an overall understanding of the law,” he said.
Farid suggested the village chiefs to always take precautions, hoping that they also establish good relations with the local BPD and consult with experts in budgeting politics for village budget planning. “Consultation with an expert will prevent potential abuse of power that can lead to corruptive work behaviour,” Farid concluded.