Indonesia has abundant biodiversities. Therefore, Indonesia ought to utilise all of its natural potential. One of these is utilisation of herbal medicines. Following this potential, Universitas Gadjah Mada holds a Summer Course programme which is themed Indonesian Natural Resources to Improve Quality of Oral Health for 10 days from 2-12 August 2017.
The event with Faculty of Dentistry UGM serving as the main host and co-host Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Animal Sciences, and Geology Department at Faculty of Engineering UGM, was joined by 13 dentistry students from several universities, namely Niigata University Japan, Tokushima University Japan, Universitas Mahasaraswati Bali and Universitas Prima Medan.
The materials that are delivered to the participants of the summer course include science of plant identification, explained by Dr. (cand) Ludmilla and Dr. (cand) Abdul Razaq Chasani from Plant Systems Lab at Faculty of Biology UGM. This is an initial knowledge to utilise natural potential as herbal medicines. It turned out that some plants with close familial relations tend to have similar natural compounds.
Vice-Dean for Asset, Finance and Human Resource of Faculty of Biology UGM, Dr. Niken Satuti Nur Handayani, believed all participants would earn benefits from the summer course related to basic biology. Niken was also convinced that the event would extend the networks of the participants.
“Undergraduate studies serve as the bases for graduate studies, career, or the personal life of the participants of the summer course,” said Niken.
The participants later visited Centre for Research and Development of Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine (BPOT) Kebumen and Geopark LIPI in Karangsembung Kebumen, Central Java. Furthermore, they had the chance to enrich their life skills by doing community service in Wonokerto Turi and Pundong Bantul regency, as well as getting to know the cultures of Yogyakarta, such as traditional outfit, Borobudur Temple and Ramayana Ballet in Prambanan Temple.