Deputy Head of Technology Knowledge in Indonesian Science and Technology Institute (LIPI), Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko, M.Sc., said productivity of research in Indonesia is still very low. In the National Research Master Plan year 2015, productivity of research in Indonesia was stated to stay at 0.02 percent, far below the ideal 15 percent.
“Actually, in terms of human resource number, it’s not small, but the productivity is low both in publication and patent,” he said in the National Seminar entitled Building Dignified Science and Technology: Ethos, Ethics, and Strategy on Monday (21/8) in the Senate Hall UGM.
Indonesia has not very low prevalence of researchers, which is 1,071 per one million inhabitants. Meanwhile, said Handoko, to make innovation needs quality research. “Hence, it’s important to enhance research capacities and competence in Indonesia,” he said.
In his opinion, researchers have to position themselves to always collaborate with human resource and equipment as the main assets with the target to achieve collaborative research in the country or overseas or academic or industry. There is multiple research quality control that does not add to administrative burden. Increase in quality and quantity of intellectual right and license will also emerge.
Handoko said research implementation strategy is required to increase research capacity and competence. Thus, they can compete and contribute to creating Indonesia that is advancing and civilised based on science and technology.
This requires closer collaboration and synergy between research and development institutes and universities in order to improve the quality of quantity of the research, followed by partnership strategies with the industry and private companies.
“Funding exploration has to be done not just by the final outcome of research but also process of research activities. Meanwhile, open and fair competition is important to increase the ethos as part of the research quality control,” he concluded.