As many as 23 new nurses were inaugurated by Dean of Faculty of Medicine UGM, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., PhD., SpOG(K), on Monday (21/8). After the inauguration and oath taking, the Nursing Studies graduates are expected to be a nurse that still carries the dignity of UGM in their field of work.
“I hope you don’t just become regular nurses. Whatever career you choose, I hope you don’t forget to always carry the dignity of UGM with you, paying attention to the local context wherever you work, but your capacity and competence are recognised internationally,” she said, delivering remarks during the ceremony that is attended by hospital representatives as well as parents.
Ova expressed her pride towards the nurses that have completed their studies well at UGM and they can now contribute to the health sector in Indonesia.
“Now you’ve become part of the health team to reach the mission of achieving a healthy Indonesian society,” she said.
To the new nurses, she advised to develop their skills by always learning and updating their knowledge. This is the key to success in their career.
“New nurses are asked to learn, learn, and learn. In just a few years, we can get left behind if we don’t update our knowledge. So, keep learning, evidence-based practice becomes the benchmark for qualfied professions,” said Ova.
Head of Nursing Study Program, Dr.Heny Suseani Pangastuti, S.Kp., M.Kes, said this time as many as 21 female nurses and 2 male nurses were inaugurated, coming from several Indonesian provinces. So far, the Nursing Study Program has inaugurated as many as 1,655 nurses who now work as medics, researchers, or lecturers.