The projection of Indonesian population in 2010-2035 shows a trend that continues to increase significantly. From the total population of 238.5 million in 2010, within 25 years the population of Indonesia will increase up to 305.7 million people.
“Using various methods, the projection of Indonesia population will reach 305.7 million within 25 years or increase around 2.9 million per year,” said the Head of Education and Training Centre, Indonesian Statistics Agency, Drs. Razali Ritonga, M.A. during a general lecture at Faculty of Geography UGM on Tuesday (22/8).
Razali said this projection is greater than the world population growth rate, thus it is a challenge for the national development in the future. However, this growth rate also gives a beneficial opportunity.
“The challenge is how we can fulfill the basic needs of the high number of population. On the other hand, it is also an opportunity considering the high number of people who are in their productive age,” he added.
In order to make a development planning which is suitable with the demographic condition, according to Razali, the government should have a comprehension of demography and the related data. Information regarding demography including population’s age structure, total birth rate, as well as life expectancy can encourage the planning and development in the future both at national and regional levels.
“Regional government has to have a comprehension on demography because decentralization should be followed by comprehension on population issues,” said Razali.
The same statement was also said by Vice Dean of Research and Community Services of Faculty of Geography, Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron, S.Si., M.T., M.Sc. During her opening speech, she said the demography bonus has a big potential that has to be utilized wisely with the right policy.
Demographic study, according to Dyah, is also influential in other fields, including geography, in order to produce a broader study and comprehensive study that can be used to support development programs.
“Demographic study is used in various aspects of geography. The higher number of graduates of geography who understand demography, more potentials can be exploited for the advancement of Indonesia,” said Dyah.