A Scientific journal is a facility for academicians to report and communicate their ideas scientifically. As an excellent center of science, technology, and arts, the Centre for Southeast Asian Social Studies of Universitas Gadjah Mada (PSSAT UGM) realizes the importance of building a good academic culture and double functions of the scientific journal. Therefore, after working hard for almost one year, PSSAT UGM proudly launches an international journal which focuses on Southeast Asian social study named as IKAT – The International Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. IKAT journal is officially launched simultaneously with the Academic Writing and Publication Sciences Workshop which was held by PSSAT UGM on Wednesday (16/8) at Auditorium of Graduate School UGM.
In the occasion, the Director of PSSAT UGM, Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, introduced IKAT journal as a facility that gives a comprehensive study regarding Southeast Asia. As a periodical scientific publication, IKAT journal will be published twice a year. According to Hermin, IKAT is expected to become a host for the growth of Southeast Asian social studies. The philosophy of ikat (dyeing technique used to patterned textiles) is also essential because it is taken from Tenun Ikat Sumba weaving of Indonesia which is a local wisdom product of Nusantara.
IKAT journal is expected to be a facility for meeting the thinking and ideas that define itself as the community in Southeast Asia. The handover of IKAT journal symbolically was given to Dr. Widodo as the Head of Publishing Agency UGM. According to Widodo, UGM will encourage IKAT journal to obtain accreditation as soon as possible, thus academicians from UGM and other universities can obtain a credit that is suitable for their hard work. Prof. Thomas Hanitzsch from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany also attended the event as one of the international advisory team of IKAT journal.
The presence of IKAT journal is established by the cooperation among academicians who are competent in social science. Dr. Agus Suwigno (UGM) becomes the editor in-chief who is supported by Prof. Bambang Purwanto (UGM), Prof. Tri Widodo (UGM). Dr. Phil Hermin Indah Wahyuni (UGM), Muhadi Sugiono, M.A. (UGM), and Dr. Al Makin (Sunan Kalijaga National Islamic University). The publishing of IKAT journal also involves world class academicians as the international advisory team, including Prof. Thomas Pepinsky (Cornell University, USA), Prof. Okamoto Masaaki (Kyoto University, Japan), Prof. David Robie (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand), Prof. Jürgen Rulland dan Prof. Judith Schlehe (University of Freiburg, Germany), Prof. Thomas Hanitzsch (LMU Munich, Germany), Prof. Ariel Heryanto (Monash University, Australia), Prof. Sunny Yoon (Hanyang University, South Korea), and Prof. Sung Kyum Cho (Chungnam National University, South Korea). The managerial team of IKAT journal consists of Dr.phil. Vissia Ita Yulianto (UGM), Theresia Octastefani, M.AP, M.Pol.Sc. (UGM), and Andi A Fitrah, M.A. (PSSAT UGM).