Packaging is very important in post-production process. Good packaging can extend the duration of goods, prevent or reduce damages to the foods and make the goods look better as well as add to the quality of the goods. Increased market demands in model variations and technology of packaging have driven business players to make innovations in packaging technologies.
Related to this issue, in conjunction with the 48th anniversary of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM, a seminar was held themed Packaging and Application Training for Cattle Food Products on Friday (25/8) in the R. Soepardjo Auditorium of Faculty of Animal Sciences.
This training is a form to explore packaging techniques of food products to increase brand image of the product. Good packaging can increase sales in the market. The Faculty collaborates with various groups, including ASEAN Packaging Federation, the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI), and other government agencies. It is expected that the event may benefit business players, especially of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, students and society.
A number of materials were described by resource persons in this seminar, including Packaging Development of Meat Products by Dr. Endy Triyananto, S.Pt., M.Eng., Processing and Packaging of Halal Products by Nanung Danar Dono, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., Packaging Labeling by Prof. Dr. Yudi Pranata, STP.MP., and Packaging of Cattle Products by Ariana Susanti from Asian Packaging Federation.
Nanung explained the halal status of food products became one aspect of attention for producers and consumers. Endy added that packaging may increase the sale value of product.