Vice Rector of Education, Learning, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wisesi Marseno, M.Agr. dispatched the Expedition Team of Nusantara Jaya 2017 to Maradapan Island, South Kalimantan. The team which consists of 19 UGM students will conduct various work programs including educational, environmental, economic, and tourism as well as medical sectors.
Expedition Team of Nusantara Jaya 2017 is a result of cooperation between Ministry of Maritime Coordinating Affairs and Universitas Gadjah Mada. Those students will conduct sailing and social activities in the outer islands of Indonesia.
“By joining this team, the students will know the geographical condition of Indonesia. Indonesia has a very strategic location which is between two oceans and two continents, as well as the world trade traffic. We are blessed with many islands being connected by the sea, we have everything both on and under the Earth’s surface. Those make other countries jealous,” said Djagal at multi-media room at UGM on Wednesday (30/8).
Djagal said the government currently has 3 main issues facing Indonesia, which are the decline of nation’s dignity, the weakening of the economic sector, and the degradation of the nation’s personality. Those main issues are being solved using Tri Sakti approach which is the strengthening of the nation’s dignity, the strengthening of the nation’s economy and cultures.
Djagal Wiseso Marseno feels proud of the determination and intention of UGM students who join the expedition team in which they will know the geographic condition of Indonesia.
On the other hand, Sudrajat from the Secretariat of Deputy Head of Human Resource, Science, Technology, and Culture Coordination in the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs said the expedition team will strengthen the world maritime’s axis. This program is expected to strengthen the communities in the outer islands.
Aside from facilitating this program, the Ministry also facilitates other programs. Therefore, the development will not only be conducted in Java and Kalimantan but also from Sabang city in the West until Merauke city in the East,” said Sudrajat.
Lia Suci Kriswanti, the expedition team leader, said Marapadan Island is located in South Kalimantan Province with the number of population around 1,000 people whose main livelihoods are fishermen and gardener. Most of the local people in Marapadan Island only go to elementary school.
The road infrastructure is only cement and diesel-based lighting facility. As one of the little islands, Marapadan Island requires attention from the government.
“Minimum access of information and the community’s economic and social condition encourage us to conduct an expedition to this island,” said Lia Suci from Vocational School UGM.
Looking at the infeasible facilities and infrastructure, including educational, sanitary, and medical sectors, the expedition team will conduct a work program on education, environment, health, economy, and tourism. This community service is expected to increase their creativity and provide solutions to solve various problems and be able to realize welfare for the local people in Marapadan Island.