Indonesia has many nutrition problems, including malnutrition, anemia, and iodine deficiency disorders. On the other hand, there is another problem caused by excessive nutrition, namely degenerative disorder.
According to Dr. Toto Sudargo, SKM., M.Kes., Head of Department of Health Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine UGM, iodine and iron deficiency becomes one of the essential matters for growth quality. Nationally, Fundamental Health Research data in 2013 shows the proportion of anemia in 12-59 months old toddlers is 28.1 percents and pregnant mothers are up to 37.1 percent.
“The impacts of the unsolved nutrition problem will affect the quality of life as well as social and economic condition of the community. Therefore, nutrition problem solving is supposed to involve various sectors,” said Toto in Talkshow entitled The Impact of Iodine and Iron Malnutrition towards Intelligence at Theater room, Library Building, Faculty of Medicine UGM on Tuesday (5/9).
Toto said nutrition problems in South East Asia are varied, particularly in Indonesia, such as protein deficiency (thin and short), iron nutrition anemia, excess nutrition (overweight), and iodine deficiency.
“Spectrum of iodine deficiency is susceptible to fetal, neonatal, child, and adolescent phases, as well as adult with various impacts,” he added.
Dr. Rukmono Siswihanto, M.Kes., Sp.OG(K), a fetomaternal medicine expert, said the most important thing is the dosing with the right time because too much is not good and vice versa. We are included in consuming too much nutrition (over intake) if the oil consumption is up to 147 percent and salt is 22 percent.
“Excess and lack of nutrition are not good for the health. Both of them can be called as malnutrition,” said Rukmono.
On the other hand, dr. Yudha Patria, Ph.D., Sp.A., an endocrinological expert assesses a period after the birth as a golden period where it requires more attention.
The children in the golden period, according to Yudha, are those who are under 2 years old. There are many things happening before two years, including the formation of the brain which is reaching 90% of the adult’s brain and their height is already half of the adults.
“During the golden period, children require foster care, affection, and learning. Moreover, the important matters that have to be fulfilled are vitamin A, vitamin D, and minerals such as iron, zinc, as well as iodine,” said Yudha.